8 Tips For Secure Online Banking

Its really Important to be secure while using the Internet but you should specially be careful when you are Logging into your bank account because Insecure Internet banking can cause you financial lose and the money that you earned by the hard work can be stolen by the hackers.

there are several security tips which you should Implement to protect your Online banking. I am going to share  these tips in this post.

1 always use https to login to bank website instead of http. https is secure protocol and its hard for hackers to reach data going through it as compared to http.

2 Make sure you have opened the official website of the bank. some hackers may create fake website which will look similar to official bank website.

3 Install a good Anti Virus software on your Computer and make sure your Firewall is on.

4 don't leave banking website unattended while you are logged in. you may get hacked by doing this.

5 don't use Public WiFi, Internet cafes to for online banking.

6 setup a strong password for your banking account. avoid common passwords like 1234, abcd.

7 don't click on the links which you receive through emails which claim to be sent from bank but are actually sent by hackers.

8 Log out from your account when you have completed your work.

by following these 8 security tips your Internet banking will be secure.
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