there are several security tips which you should Implement to protect your Online banking. I am going to share these tips in this post.
1 always use https to login to bank website instead of http. https is secure protocol and its hard for hackers to reach data going through it as compared to http.
2 Make sure you have opened the official website of the bank. some hackers may create fake website which will look similar to official bank website.
3 Install a good Anti Virus software on your Computer and make sure your Firewall is on.
4 don't leave banking website unattended while you are logged in. you may get hacked by doing this.
5 don't use Public WiFi, Internet cafes to for online banking.
6 setup a strong password for your banking account. avoid common passwords like 1234, abcd.
7 don't click on the links which you receive through emails which claim to be sent from bank but are actually sent by hackers.
8 Log out from your account when you have completed your work.
by following these 8 security tips your Internet banking will be secure.