Sony Xperia Tablet Z was launched last month January 2013. The Tab has Android 4.1, 10.1 inches display.
Camera 8.1 megapixels,
Secondary Camera 2.2 MP
OS Android 4.1
10.1 Inches display
495 G Weight
16 GB Internal Memory
64 GB External Memory
LED-backlit LCD
Quad-core CPU
HTML5 Browser
Java, GPS, Radio, Bluetooth, WiFi
The amazing thing about the Tab is that its display has got the LCD technology.
Processor Quad core, 1500 MHzCamera 8.1 megapixels,
Secondary Camera 2.2 MP
OS Android 4.1
10.1 Inches display
495 G Weight
16 GB Internal Memory
64 GB External Memory
LED-backlit LCD
Quad-core CPU
HTML5 Browser
Java, GPS, Radio, Bluetooth, WiFi
The amazing thing about the Tab is that its display has got the LCD technology.